Home » Blog » A OK Apartment Locator Tips For Getting Your Apartment Security Deposit Back

A OK Apartment Locator Tips For Getting Your Apartment Security Deposit Back

October 8, 2021

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A OK Apartment Locators has compiled a few simple tips to help you get your Dallas apartment security deposit back. Virtually all apartments will require a deposit even if you’re looking in Addison, Plano, Las Colinas, Carrollton or any of the other surrounding cities. It’s a common practice to help ensure the apartment is maintained and to minimize excessive repairs when you vacate.

However, sometimes renters can feel unfair deductions are taken and they don’t understand why all or part of their security deposit was withheld. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of some simple tips you can use before renting; while being a tenant; and as you’re moving out.  

Our A OK Apartment Locators tips include:
Understand your rights and responsibilities as outlined in the Dallas apartment rental agreement

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the rental agreement.  Pay particular attention to your obligations as a tenant with regards to apartment upkeep and what security deposit deductions are allowed.

Get to know the apartment landlord
Take the time when seeking your new Addison, Plano, Carrollton or Dallas area apartment to meet your landlord or manager. Continue that relationship throughout the course of your rental.  Make your payments in person (and on time) each month if possible. Become more than just a name in a file.

Include the landlord in an apartment inspection prior to moving-in
When you’ve found your ideal apartment in a neighborhood like The Medical District, Uptown/Victory Park, or anywhere else, include the manager or landlord in a pre-move-in walk through.  If there are things that need attention, make a list and point them out.   

Maintain your apartment
Keep your apartment clean.  If things break or wear during your occupancy, make the management aware.  

Give appropriate notice before moving out.
When it’s time to move to your new Dallas area apartment, be sure to give advance notice. If your rental agreement requires 30 days, do that at a minimum.   

Ask your landlord to conduct an inspection with you prior to moving out
Even as you’re boxing and throwing things out, ask your landlord to conduct an inspection.  This won’t be the final inspection but it is an opportunity to point out potential issues.

Thoroughly clean the apartment before moving.
Once you’ve moved your belongings, thoroughly clean your apartment.  Do a deep clean.  It may even be worthwhile to rent a carpet cleaner or have it cleaned.  Make sure cupboards, closets and drawers are clean too.   

Conduct a final inspection with the landlord on moving day.  Leave the keys and a forwarding address.
Once you’ve removed all your belongings, conduct a final inspection with your landlord or apartment manager. Compare the condition to the pre move-in inspection.  Sign any necessary paperwork and give them the keys.  Give a forwarding address and ask for your deposit to be returned.  

By following these A OK Apartment Locators tips for getting your Dallas apartment security deposit back, you’ll help make the moving process smoother and can look forward to enjoying the next chapter of your life!  If it’s time to find a new apartment, click here to start your apartment search or call us at 972-818-3456 in Dallas or 817-794-0991 in Fort Worth. We’ll be glad to help.

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Kim Shufelt Owner
Kim Shufelt owns A OK Apartment Locators, specializing in finding perfect apartments in Dallas & Houston.
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