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Roommate Woes: How to Navigate Living with Strangers in a Shared Houston Space

July 24, 2023

Houston is a beautiful city with great opportunities for those who want to start a new life. But moving to a new city can be tough, especially when you have to share an apartment with strangers. As much as you might try to get along, sometimes people won’t click. Living with roommates can be a major source of anxiety and stress. It’s hard to know how to navigate living with strangers in a shared Houston space. In this post, we aim to help you tackle “roommate woes” with some tips and tricks that will make apartment-sharing and co-living a pleasant experience.

Property Owners Discuss Roommate Situation

Choosing a Good Roommate

The first and probably the most important step to successful roommate living is finding a good roommate. You want this person to be someone you like hanging out with, so you should get to know them before making a decision. Have a conversation and ask them questions about what they like to do on the weekends, their work schedule, or any other topic that will give you an idea of how compatible you are. If things seem to be going well and you decide to continue living with this person – great!

You can also use roommate matching platforms such as Roomi, Zumper Roommates, and SpareRoom to find potential roommates. These are usually free services that allow you to search for people with similar lifestyles or interests as you. Additionally, some of these sites have roommate reviews left by past and present roommates.


Agreeing on House Rules

Now it’s time to establish a few ground rules together. To make sure everyone is on the same page, it’s best to talk about expectations upfront and agree on house rules. These can include how long guests can stay over, cleaning schedules, noise levels, who will pay which bills, and so forth. Once you come up with a list of rules for your Houston living space, be sure to communicate them to all roommates.

A great way to make sure everyone is on the same page and accountable for their actions is to put your roommate agreements in writing. This document should list all rules, expectations, as well as punishments or consequences if the rules are not followed. That way, if a roommate ever fails to follow through with his or her part of the roommate agreement, you can refer back to the contract and remind them of their duties.

Bad Roommate Disputes

Problem Solving

Although you may have agreed on a set of house rules, conflicts are bound to arise every now and then. When this happens, it’s important to communicate your concerns in a respectful way. It’s also important to give your roommates a chance to explain their side of the story. This will help you to have a better understanding of why they acted that way, and you can come up with a solution together.

If need be, you can also reach out to your landlord or property manager for guidance on how to best handle roommate issues. They may even be able to offer advice on how to prevent future conflicts from arising.


Enjoying Your Shared Space

Living with strangers can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. If you take the right steps and follow this advice, you can learn how to not only live together peacefully but also build strong roommate relationships and enjoy your shared Houston space. Don’t forget to set aside time to have fun. You can all plan a movie night, play board games, or go out for dinner together. Doing activities like this will foster strong relationships and create lasting bonds between you and your roommates!

Roommates Have an Actual Conversation over Pizza

How to Be a Good Roommate

Now that you’ve figured out how to navigate living with strangers in a shared Houston space, it’s up to you to be the best roommate you can be. Here are a few things you can do to show your roommates that you care and respect them:


Set clear expectations

Before you move in together, you should know what you’re getting into. Discuss your expectations with your roommates to ensure you’re all on the same page. Who will pay the bills, and how? What’s the policy for guests? How clean do you expect the apartment to be? Ironing out these basic details will go a long way to make sure every person is on the same page.


Divide up the space

No one wants to feel like a roommate is constantly invading their personal space. To avoid roommate conflict, divide the apartment between yourselves. One of you can take the living room, another can take the dining room, and so on. This way, everyone feels that they have their own space within the shared apartment. Establish some rules as well, such as informing each other when you have guests or require an extra person to come over to stay.

Roommates Spending Quiet Time

Respect each other’s privacy

With space divided, be sure to respect each other’s privacy. Don’t go through your roommate’s belongings or use their stuff without asking first. You’ll also want to know when you’re allowed to enter each other’s private spaces. More importantly, respect each other’s sleeping schedules. Not everyone has the same schedule, so try to be quiet during sleep hours.

Roommates Cooking Together

Control your spending

Posts showing off designer shoes and bags or testing out expensive Houston restaurants are all too common on social media. But, living beyond your means can bring unnecessary stress into the home. Instead, agree to budget alongside your roomies. It is essential to discuss rent, utilities, and incidental expenses to avoid tardy payments and promote honesty. Additionally, avoid taking on loans or credit card debt, as this can adversely impact everyone, especially when struggling to cope with bills.

Do chores together

Split the workload and do chores together. It’s as simple as creating a chore chart or chore schedule. One person does the dishes while another takes out the trash, and someone sweeps the floors, with another person handling bathroom sanitation. Doing chores can help establish a routine, decrease the workload, and even increase the level of trust between you and your future roommates.


Communicate constantly

Communication is key when it comes to apartment sharing. If you have any issues or concerns, talk them over with your roommates. Don’t let issues become bigger than they need to be. It can be as simple as asking if it’s okay to have a friend over for a few hours or to schedule a small gathering. Remember that living with roommates means you have to be willing to compromise and accommodate each other.


Sharing an apartment with strangers can be a daunting task, but it’s not impossible to make it work. By setting clear expectations, dividing the space, respecting each other’s privacy, doing chores together, and communicating constantly, you can navigate living in a shared Houston space with roommates. Keep in mind that everyone has quirks and habits that could annoy one another, but it’s always best to find common ground.


Navigate The Best Houston Apartments For Co-living With AOK Apartment Locators

At the end of the day, you picked roommates for a reason, and it’s up to all of you to make it a good living experience. Don’t hesitate to reroute and try things differently should things not work out. It is all about adapting to the changing times, and slowly but surely, you’ll have the hang of living with roommates you barely know. Here’s to creating good memories and making Houston feel like home!


If you’re looking for the perfect apartment to share with roommates, AOK Apartment Locators is here to help. We are Houston’s premier rental experts and can assist you in finding an ideal place that suits your budget and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for a studio or a three-bedroom apartment, we’ll make sure to find the right space for you and your roommates. Contact us today and start living in the best Houston apartment fit for co-living!

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Kim Shufelt Owner
Kim Shufelt owns A OK Apartment Locators, specializing in finding perfect apartments in Dallas & Houston.
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