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7 Weekend Project Ideas For The Organizer In You

July 3, 2020

Weekends aren’t what they used to be anymore. A few months back, a lot of us were making weekend getaway plans, weekend hangouts, or whatever fun activity we can do outside. But then again, times aren’t what they were anymore as well. Now, a lot of us have more time on our hands while we’re stuck at home.

While our weekdays might be filled with work or classes, our weekends can be a little empty. It’s easy to fall back into procrastination and the general avoidance of things we’re supposed to do. But let’s face it. We likely have stacks of mail, a pile of laundry, and a hundred other things to do. While you’re checking off that list, here are other weekend organizing project ideas you can get into to help your inner organizer bloom. Take a day off or two and update your home.


Update Your Closet Storage

You might not have the event to wear those gorgeous outfits yet but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare to find them when the time comes. So instead of just shoveling all your clothes back into your closet after the laundry, why not give your closet a storage makeover? Customizable shelving and rod systems, hanging organizers, specialty racks and hangers, storage baskets, and shelf and drawer organizers are perfect to make sure you have all the functional closet space you need.

File It Under Efficient

You might’ve just been keeping all your important papers in one big drawer or envelope. But now is your time to assemble them all in one place for easy storage and retrieval. Chose one file cabinet or a space on your bookshelf to house all your important papers. Separate the papers in file folders and label them accordingly for financial accounts, tax returns, employment information, medical and dental records, and the like.

long sleeves

Convert a Closet

If you have an unused closet somewhere in your home, you are one lucky person. Use it to its full potential by converting it to a mini work station. Install a work surface, mount adjustable shelves, or even hang up a bulletin board. You can also make it into your own craft station or hobby station.

Restructure Cabinets

When was the last time you made sure your cabinets were good and neat? Often times, we simply shove things back in there. So maybe its time to pull everything out and create a new order. It gives you an opportunity to check on what things have been shoved to the back of your cabinets. And you can also check up if you’ve got some food items that are near expiration in your kitchen.


Tap Wall Spaces

If storage has always been one of your concerns, now’s the time to look into the spaces you can tap into. Think of those empty walls in your bedroom or the living room. Mounting floating shelves surely could give you so much more storage space. And don’t forget the bathroom. As long as you have something to hang it on, you can hang up wire shelves to house your lotions, potions, and linens.

Streamline Your Digital Storage

Trust us, taking some time off your weekend to finally declutter your home computer will do wonders for your day-to-day. Everyone saves random stuff into their computers whether it be screenshots, old boarding passes, random apps, and whatnot. Once you get rid of these, you’ll have more space on your computer and you’ll spend less time stressing about where to find the important files. It might take time but it’s easy really. Either file or delete.


Purge Your Closet and Storage Boxes

A good closet purge is essential a few times a year. And now’s a great time to do it. Decide what to throw and what to give away. Aside from your closet though, it’s also a good idea to go through your storage rooms or storage boxes. See if there’s anything you’d want to donate, sell, or give away. Although some things might be in storage, that doesn’t mean you’re ever taking them out. So better make sure that these things go to places where someone can find a better use of them before you forget they’re in your home.

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Kim Shufelt Owner
Kim Shufelt owns A OK Apartment Locators, specializing in finding perfect apartments in Dallas & Houston.
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