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8 Common Household Items Your Kitchen Can Do Without

August 14, 2020

Oftentimes, our kitchens can get really crowded. With all the food we bring in plus all the kitchen tools and appliances we have, it’s hard not to run out of space. In reality though, we can get by without a lot of these things. For instance, why get yourself a banana cutter when you can just as easily cut a banana with a knife? These things only occupy valuable space. And as fun as it is to shop around for the latest culinary tools and gadgets, nobody wants to end up with things they’ll regret buying. With that, here are a few kitchen items that you can pass on wasting your precious money on.


1. Too Many Coffee Mugs

Coffee mugs are like drugs for kitchen purchases. It starts out with a little taste like a cute mug from vacation or a unique mug from the corner antique shop. From there, it becomes a shopping spree of every mug you deem cute. Soon enough, your shelves are creaking from all those extra coffee mugs and you might have even forgotten about half of them. Before the addiction even starts, limit yourself to just how many mugs you and your housemates need. And maybe reserve buying that special mug for really special occasions.

2. Specialty Glassware

As much as we love our stemware or our juice glasses, we got to admit we can drink our favorite beverages in any other glass. Although it might not be as attractive, we can drink our wine, juice, water, or coffee in one mug and it won’t make any difference. The taste stays the same and we still enjoy it nonetheless. We’re not saying don’t buy those wonderful glasses but maybe think twice or thrice before spending a fortune on them.

spice collection

3. Pre-Filled Spice Collections

Yes, they’re easy and they’re efficient but the main purpose of spices is to make our food taste better. More often than not, the best way they do that is when they’re nice and fresh. Also, remember that these bottled up spices also lose their zest over time. Instead of buying these spice collections, buy only the spices that you use the most in bigger quantities and buy everything else in small quantities only when you need them.

4. Nonstick Cookware

We all love our nonstick cookware. Unfortunately, when these can cause more harm to us than good. When heated more than 500 F, the Teflon coating of these pans can emit toxic fumes. Scratched nonstick cookware can also emit harmful gasses which can be harmful to us. One option you can replace these with is stainless steel cookware. They’re just as durable. If you’re worried about your food sticking to the pan, a good coat of nonstick cooking spray would nicely do the trick.

cooking pan

5. Pop-Up Toaster

When it comes to deciding between a pop-up toaster or a toaster oven, you’d better go with the latter. Pop-up toasters only toast your bread and bagels and nothing else. With toaster ovens, on the other hand, you can toast your bread, melt your cheese, warm your leftovers, and plenty more. Now, that’s what you call a worthy investment.

6. Appliances You’ll Never Use

There are plenty of common kitchen appliances out there like tea kettles and waffle makers that people deem as a staple but aren’t really a necessity. So before making your purchase, you better look towards the future and evaluate if you’ll be able to use it more than once or twice. Otherwise, they’ll simply end up gathering dust in your cabinets.


7. Opaque Food Containers

Not only do transparent food containers look more aesthetically pleasing, but they also allow us to check whether our food is still good or not. Opaque containers, on the other hand, hide all the rot and decay. So while we were there dreaming of those delicious strawberries we’d want for dessert, those tasty little morsels were actually on their way to turning to unrecognizable mushes that we don’t even want to touch.

8. Kitchen Sponges

It’s hard to imagine our sinks without kitchen sponges. Unfortunately, these are hotspots for germs and bacteria. No matter how much we squeeze them, they still retain a little bit of moisture which promotes bacterial growth. Instead of these, try washing your dishes with rags or brushes.

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