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9 Clutter Items In Your Bedroom You Should Get Rid Off

August 28, 2020

For some reason, it’s so much easier to store clutter in our bedrooms more than the rest of the house. Belongings just seem to pile up and accumulate here all on their own. We all make this silent vow to get rid of them one of these days but we got to admit that this promise often gets pushed to the back of our minds just as those things are pushed to the corners and back of our closets. Unfortunately, they do get too much. We start losing things, we start stumbling about our room, and we start losing sight of our room’s surface bit by bit. Before it gets to that last point, we need to do a good decluttering of our rooms. Here are some items you can start getting rid of.

kitchen utensils

1. Dirty dishes, cups, tumblers etc.

We’ve all had those moments when these things would start piling up on our desks. But honestly who can blame us for despising those repeated trips to the kitchen? Our rooms are too comfy! Unfortunately, we do have to get rid of these collections if we still want to see the top of our dressers and desks. You also don’t want to start inviting in any pests into your personal space. To avoid this, the best tip is to confine eating and drinking in the dining room.

2. Clothes that no longer fit

Yes, it’s hard to give up those wonderful clothes you hope will fit one day. But that exercise of buying, hoping, and storing is simply futile. One or two articles of clothing is still ok but once they start piling up and dominating a good chunk of your closet, it’s time they go. Pack them up and donate or sell them. This way, you’ll have more space for better fitting clothes that you’ll love for years on end.


3. Uncomfortable shoes

Much like your clothes that no longer fit, uncomfortable shoes have no place taking up space in your room. Life is too short to wear them anyway. It’s time to get rid of these little torture items that hurt, that are worn, that are damaged beyond repair, and that are no longer suited for use. Your feet will thank you. Your room will thank you. And you’ll thank yourself.

4. Odd Socks

Socks tend to disappear all the time abandoning their lonely pairs behind for us to find. It’s ok to hold to these pairs for a week or two in hopes of finding the other. But beyond that, they just turn to clutter that is taking up space in your drawer. Toss them or find a better use for them.

clothes hanger

5. Wire Hangers

Wire hangers may allow us to cram more clothing into our already filled closets but aside from that, they don’t have much appeal. They don’t give enough support to the shoulders of our clothes, they leave creases on our pants, and they don’t really look neat in our wardrobe. So why not opt for better organization items like matching plastic or wooden hangers. Your wardrobe will definitely look more organized and might encourage you to keep it that way longer.

6. Outdated Accessories

It’s easy to forget all those old hats, leg warmers, neon tights and such that came from years ago that are still hanging out at the back of our drawers. Left on their own, these things can just multiply and pile up without our notice. That’s why it’s good practice to take inventory of what accessories we have every year or even every season. This way, they won’t end up just being junk hiding in our drawers.


7. Lumpy Pillows

As much as you love those childhood pillows of yours, you should learn to let go. Pillows don’t last for years on end and the general rule is to replace them once a year especially if they can’t be washed in hot water. Lumpy pillows can harbor all kinds of dust mites, fungus, bacteria, and other allergens in addition to not providing enough support for your head and neck. To test if your pillow still has a bit of life in it, try folding it in half. If it doesn’t return to its original shape, better treat yourself to a new pillow for a good night’s sleep.

8. Collectibles You No Longer Love

Our rooms are reflections of our personalities and are often the home of things that we love and treasure. That’s why if you’ve outgrown some of your collectibles and decor, it’s time to put them in a box. Place them in storage for memento or place them in your Goodwill bag. And make space for new items and collectibles from new memories in your current life.

9. Worn Bedding

Sometimes, it’s hard to part with items that still seem fine and that still seems to serve their purpose. But everything has a limit and once your sheets and bedding start fading, ripping, or looking altogether like it has seen better days, it’s time to let go. Treat yourself to something nice and new that suits your current style. It’s the best way to give your bedroom an easy makeover.

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Kim Shufelt Owner
Kim Shufelt owns A OK Apartment Locators, specializing in finding perfect apartments in Dallas & Houston.
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