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Living Wall Ideas For Your New Houseplants

September 24, 2020

Walls are simply huge built-in canvases. There are plenty of ways to splash a little art and color on them. You can cover them up with wallpaper, you can paint over them, or you can hang up different ornaments. One favorite of home owners is to build their own gallery walls. It’s personal, it’s unique to your own tastes, and it’s simply stylish. If you’re a plant lover as well, there is one way you could further spruce up this design style: living walls.

Simply put, a living wall is a wall covered with live plants. Although it may seem to be only meant for commercial buildings who can hire designers to do it for them, you can also build your own living wall. Not only is it absolutely beautiful, the plants also help purify your air and reduce your stress. An added bonus is that living walls can also help lessen the noise from outside. So let’s start with some ideas that can inspire you.


Frame Your Living Wall

Your living wall can literally turn into a work of art just by giving it a frame to pull it all together. Just remember when choosing the container for your living wall to think about what would blend well with your home decor. Wood, metal, and cork are the most common options home owners go for but there are also plenty of other options out there in the market. Don’t be afraid to mix up texture by mixing up different kinds of plants as well like moss and air plants. Think of it like placing a piece of your garden in a frame and sticking it up there on your wall.

Office Living Wall

With all the stress that comes from work, we all definitely need something to help with it in our offices and what better way than another living thing like a plant. A little potted plant on your desk is great but why not try mounting those greens on your wall within view and out of the way? You simply need a small wall space and a few good hooks and you’ll be golden.

living room with plants

Air plants like tillandsia are amazing choices for rooms like your office since they’re tough and require very little care. Nevertheless, they remain vibrant and beautiful. They can brighten up your space and help relieve stress and increase productivity.

Kitchen Artwork

For some reason, living walls and kitchens just seem to fit together perfectly. It might be because of all the food and the greenery. Whatever it is, a statement-making living wall in your kitchen won’t do any harm. If you’re lucky enough to have a kitchen with good lighting, this might be a great option for you. Climbing and winding plants like philodendron and pothose are perfect starter options. They’re very easy to care for and they create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in any room. Just remember when selecting your plants, select the ones that require the same care. This way, you’ll only need to water them at the same time.

Plant Jungle

When setting up your living walls, don’t be afraid to get plant variations. Take some moss and add it in with some air plants or winding plants. Mix different textures and colors. It doesn’t need to be so perfectly arranged as well. Putting up your own mix and design creates a living wall that is a little bit more unconstructed and casual but is just as gorgeous. Just keep in mind to give each plant room to grow though.

indoor plants

Wall-Mounted Planters

Instead of the usual box living wall, one of the simplest ways you can have your own living wall is to have wall-mounted planters. These planters come in all designs and sizes that can match your decor. This way, you can also have more variety in your plants. They’re also very easy to replicate for any room of the house.

Aside from wall-mounted planters, you can also use hanging wire baskets. If you’ve got any of those hanging wire organizers, you can use that to hang up your plants. Just don’t forget the plastic liners though. This type of living wall is perfect if you’re not keen on spending ages pruning and updating your living wall. A display with individually potted plants makes maintenance a lot easier.

Pegboard Plant Aesthetic

If you think your pegboards are only for organizing and room aesthetic, think again. You just need to customize a few plant pots and you’ll have yourself a very versatile living plant display. You can switch up your plant placement every now and then. And you mix and match a huge variety of plants. Whatever you want to change on a whim will be easy enough to and it’ll never be boring. The best part is that you can fit pegboards in almost any space in your home.

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Kim Shufelt Owner
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