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How To Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh All Day

May 11, 2020

Sometimes, the best smell of a bathroom is no smell at all. No matter how fancy or spa-like your bathroom is, it’s still that one room in the house where odors just don’t disappear. It can get pretty distressing especially after you’ve cleaned up every inch of your home. You expect to breeze through your clean, nice smelling home and then you pass by the bathroom.

When you think about, there are actually two types of bathroom odors. There’s the unavoidable stench that comes from using the facilities for human needs. Then, there are also the subtler but just as unpleasant additions that grow in moist and germy places. Whatever the case may be, you don’t have to suffer a smelly bathroom forever. Here are some tips that can help you keep your bathroom smelling fresh all day.


Do a Deep Clean

The first and most obvious step is to, of course, clean out your bathroom well. Get into every nook and cranny of the room. And don’t leave anything unturned. Here are some important things to remember:

– Clean the toilet thoroughly. Scrub the bowl, tank, seat, lid as well as the underside and back area of the toilet properly to make sure no mold or mildew is growing there. This goes for your sink as well.
– Clean your shower. Your floors, walls, drain, and shower doors can accumulate soap scum. Though it’s not smelly, it can trap dead skin, oil, hair, and gunk that can smell eventually.
– Remove accumulated hair on your bathroom drains. This will not only help them run faster but, it also avoids them smelling funky and growing molds.
– Sanitize your cleaning sponges. If not cleaned well, they can grow bad-smelling bacteria and fungi. Sanitize them by moistening them a bit then popping them in the microwave for 2 minutes.
– Wipe under bottles and jars. The underside of these things can often be overlooked since we’re too lazy to lift them all up and so. But, moisture tends to pool in these areas and create environments for bacteria to grow and fester


Keep Towels Clean and Dry

Damp towels can become one of the funkiest smelling things in the room. When they don’t dry fast enough, bad-smelling bacteria and fungi can grow on them. This gets worse when the towels haven’t been washed in a while. So, make sure that your towels are well-taken care of. Washing them once or twice a week is optimal. Use hot water or bleach to kill off all the bacteria. Also, remember to spread them out to dry in a place with good airflow after every use.

Maintain Good Ventilation

Good ventilation can get rid of half of the problem. If you have a window in your bathroom, open it often to let the bad air out and the clean and fresh air in. If not, a good vent fan can do the job just as well. In addition to that, keeping the bathroom door open when it’s not in use can also help remove bad odors as well as the humidity that creates that musty smell.

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Take Out The Trash

Bathroom trash isn’t as bad as the stuff we throw out in the kitchen. But, certain items like wet wipes, feminine products, and the like can create a smell. So, don’t wait for your bathroom trashcan to get full before emptying it out. Empty it out regularly and don’t forget to use trash can liners in your bathroom’s wastepaper basket.

Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are the enemy of odors. One of the best ways you can use them is to warm a few drops in a diffuser. So, if you can, why not get yourself a little mini handy diffuser for your bathroom. Place it along with the oils in a visible place so your guests can use it if they wish. If you want to keep it more subtle or if you don’t have a diffuser, soak a cotton ball in essential oil then leave it somewhere inconspicuous until you replace it.

You can also make your own air freshener with essential oils. Simply add a few drops of your chosen scent to three parts water and one part vodka and put it in a spray bottle.

Absorb Bad Odors

You can make your own odor absorbers with things already in your kitchen. For instance, mix white vinegar with baking soda in a bottle and let it sit on your counter uncapped. You can also use activated carbon. These absorb all the nasty smells in your bathroom and keeps it smelling fresh until your next clean up session.

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Kim Shufelt Owner
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